Erin Palmer


A board-certified psychotherapist since 2011, I assist clients in actualizing their best selves by providing Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) in my calming, vibrant Cary, North Carolina office. I am also licensed to practice in Vermont, Colorado, and New York and do so via Telehealth and travel.


Specializing in trauma, mood disorders, substance abuse, overeating disorders, and general life stress, I take a flexible approach to healing, tailoring treatment to the client’s unique needs in the moment and weaving other psychotherapeutic modalities, such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) into KAP work.


I completed the yearlong Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy certification program with the Integrative Psychiatry Institute (IPI).


For the medicine itself, I work primarily with the prescribing doctors at Skylight Psychedelics. They dose based on body weight and prior psychedelic experience and utilize a rapid-dissolve oral lozenge, which they recommend swallowing rather than spitting out, for the most effective treatment experience. I also coordinate care with local medical providers, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists for clients who wish to continue with their existing providers. 


I grew up in Vermont, lived all over the U.S. finding parts of myself, and began my psychotherapy career in Brooklyn, NY doing substance abuse treatment as an alternative to incarceration. I moved back home to Vermont for a stint in psychiatric emergency room work and then began a private practice for many years while working on my family farm. In 2021, I discovered the year-round sunshine of Raleigh and transitioned my practice to the Triangle. 


I was a Sane Ukraine Project volunteer for eighteen months, weekly training fifty Ukrainian psychological resilience and trauma educators via video and translators to facilitate ongoing coping and recovery tools in the midst of war, at times pausing sessions for air raids.


I graduated summa cum laude from Georgia State University with a BS in Psychology and did my graduate work in Psychological Counseling at Columbia University Teachers College in New York City and graduated magna cum laude with Master of Education and Master of Arts degrees, with a focus on multiculturally-competent counseling, career counseling, group work, and psychology and spirituality.


None of this would have been achievable nor of use to me without the support and gentle confrontation of excellent psychotherapists and plant medicine to heave myself out of old, destructive thought and behavior patterns. That is why I do this wonderful work!